Try 3D estimation software

several options

Free POC

Nothing to install

try it with USB plug

  1. Upload an image of the USB plug to our website

  2. Get 3D position results immediately

  3. Since no calibration is done the results are approximate

Free POC

Install Software

try it with USB Plug

  1. No registration

  2. Download & Install Software

  3. Run it with webcam

  4. Aim camera on USB plug

  5. Get 3D position of your USB on your screen

  6. Since no calibration is done the results are approximate

Paid POC

Install Software

try with your object

  1. Register

  2. Download & Install Software

  3. Scan the object using your camera

  4. Calibrate the camera

  5. Upload to the cloud of RobotAI

  6. Payment

  7. Download the model

  8. Use the same camera

  9. Aim to your object

  10. Test 3D position and orientation